If you’ve found yourself in a Network/System Admin position without the proper tools, and can’t seem to get them, there’s usually a way to do things for free with Linux or at least using the repos provided under an enterprise support package such as RHEL. 🙂 This is for monitoring who’s chewing up the pipe by IP address.
* Obviously there’s 100 ways to skin a cat in Open Source, but this is one way that can take you from “Who’s hogging the pipe” to “HEY! Stop doing that” in 15 minutes. Granted this isn’t meant for controlling the traffic, that’s another story. *
How To: ( Warning! – You may need to verify this action with your IT Dept – Warning!)
1. On the Core switch just before the “Gateway” hop takes place, and Pre-NAT rules, you’ll need to enable a port for monitoring the traffic (both TX and RX) to and from the “Gateway”. This box could also be used as a SNORT box. (once again another story)
2. You’ll need a Linux box with dual NIC’s (for remote usage) or a single NIC with Physical terminal access for direct access only.
3. Install and run/configure “iptraf” (using sudo or root access)
#sudo yum install -y iptraf
#sudo iptraf (once the Screen launches, hit any key)
Scroll down to “Configure” (enter)
Set “Force Promiscuous mode” to ON
(You may wish to keep “Reverse DNS Lookups” off as well)
(Adjust “Additional ports” or any other settings if needed)
“Exit Configuration”
Select “IP Traffic Monitor”
Select the interface that’s plugged into the “Monitored” port. (from Step 1.)
Once the monitoring begins you can sort by bytes or packet count etc.
Find the “Hogger”.
Note: I really like the “iftop” tool as well, but it’s not in the RHEL Repos. ;0)
You can’t control the traffic from this app, but at least you can verify if the traffic is legit or not. Once you have the ip you can do the standard ip/arp/mac table lookups etc. to locate the machine.