I’ve been working a whole lot.
That’s about it, really. I like working. I really like the fact that the current work I am doing is challenging, stimulating, and educational. I really, really like the fact that I am working for myself and am better off than ever before.
Is that bad?
Only if it leads me to neglect my family, which it doesn’t. I work because I love my family and want to enjoy them more.
What’s my end goal?
Well, of course it would be nice to retire at 45 and vacation the rest of my life, but that ain’t gonna happen. I think I’ll settle for working less, playing golf more, and enjoying my family even more than that.
Is this the weirdest blog entry I have ever made?
Probably. I am interviewing myself. That’s what happens when I start writing after having worked about 50 hours this week. Sheesh.
I did find time to make my first venture into electronic music. It ain’t much, but check out this:
Greebo – by Me (mp3)
Click the arrow to start playing it, right click and Save As to download it.
Tell me what you think. I think it needs more.