Welcome To My World

This phrase is the slogan of a narcissist.
“Welcome to my world.”
It diminishes whatever the person receiving it just said. It turns attention back to the person who said it. It indicates a lack of empathy, and is also a request for sympathy.
“You should feel sorry for me instead.”
Sometimes it is meant to be funny, but underneath the surface it is cruel.
It is entirely possible that not everyone who says it is a narcissist, and people may not even realize it comes off as mean, but it is a red flag, and is a self-centered phrase in any given situation.
Empathy is a good alternative
Instead of saying “Welcome to my world” when someone expresses their struggles with something, you might be tempted to turn to a different phrase such as “I know how that goes” or “I’ve been through that myself.”
These really aren’t much different than “welcome to my world,” just less bratty.
How about trying not to use an “I” statement at all? Don’t turn it back to you. Try some empathy.
“That sounds really difficult.”
“Oh wow, you had a rough day. Let me make you some tea.”
“Tell me more about that.”
Often, what people need, whether they realize it consciously or not, is just to be heard. That can make the difference in turning someone’s bad day around.
In other words, you may not be a narcissist, but using narcissistic phrases can inadvertently shut down and dismiss the person who is trying to convey their plight to you. Offer some support, some kindness, some empathy.
You might be surprised at the reactions you get.