When you start a business, you know how important the staff can be to your cause. Without an effective workforce, you can bet that your business will not run to its full capabilities. It’s for this reason that you should ensure that you are doing everything you can as a business owner to keep your staff happy and content in their roles.
Every employer knows of the important benefits that they must offer their employees: wages, healthcare and sick pay being just three of them. Happy employees are those who are productive and loyal, and this makes for happy employers, too! Staff retention can be a big issue for companies as they try and keep people on board. Employees tend not to leave bad jobs, only bad employers and it’s for this reason that you should be getting creative with your perks. There are some unique perks that your company can offer that others wouldn’t, and it’s these that will cinch keeping your employees close!
- No Set Hours. Your employees are people as well as cogs to your machine, and allowing for flexible working encourages productivity rather than discourages it. Introducing a policy whereby employees are measured on the level of work completed rather than the hours in the office can keep the people in your office happy while still completing their work.
- Insurance. Most employers offer health insurance for their employees, but if you have people who have signed a tenure or a long-term contract with you, then it makes sense to offer something from wholelifeinsurance.co. The security that you’d offer for a whole life insurance as part of their contract can make a huge difference to their feeling of security.
- Family Time. The law says a lot about maternity and paternity leave, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow the law to the letter. By putting an emphasis on family time and paid leave after a child is born, you are far more likely to retain employees that become parents while they are working with you. By offering this type of support, you will gain respect and ultimate loyalty from your people.
- Further Education. Many companies offer onsite training to further knowledge for their employees in the business they are in, but there are places out there that offer college discounts and courses for those who wish to further their education beyond what they have right now. By offering staff the chance to further their own education, you are offering them an investment in their personal development.
- Event Tickets. You know those employee perks for getting the job done and done on time? Usually these are cash bonuses, which everyone appreciates! However, you could get to know what your staff love as individuals and capitalise on it. Local festivals and overnight concert tickets on offer to hard workers are excellent incentives.
- Company-branded gear. Not only does it help advertise the business, many employees take pride in wearing clothing with the company logo, espeically if it is provided for free. A cool hoodie or rain jacket, or even a duffle bag or polo shirt, are great gifts that make employees feel better and help the business.
Your staff matter and if you are offering ways to make them feel that way, you can be sure that you will retain staff for a long time.