e835b30e2ff0033ecd0b470de7444e90fe76e6d319b8104796f5c2_150_hackerI found out today that I get to speak at WordCamp Asheville in June. I’ll be presenting on WordPress security. I had to miss WordCamp last year, so I’m excited about being able to attend, and even more so about speaking. I hope to see you all there!

A little more than a week ago, I completed my Certified Ethical Hacker training and am now, certifiably, an ethical hacker.

I also passed the written half of the Certified Penetration Tester exam at that time, and am working on the second half over the next couple of weeks. I hope to get it wrapped up and be able to add that to my credentials.

Enough horn tooting. What’s up in your world?

Professional News and Stuff