As most of the world is in lockdown, we wonder what the post-Corona work Industry will look like. Our working spaces and business models are likely to change and along with that the skills that companies need. The use of covid digital signage will become a necessity in digital world. Here are other 7 job skills which are likely to be in high demand.


Use of internet, automation, social distancing and work from home might continue for a foreseeable future. Work Hierarchy will be restructured and many more people in different levels of organizations will be in position to lead small teams on different projects. Leadership will become a necessity in coming years. Having good leadership is not only about supervising or managing others. It is also about able to communicate your ideas and strategies to your colleagues and embrace the feedback.

People will be working in much more fluid teams from all around the world, rather than your conventional office with same employees. You may be with a team from one country on one project while working on another project with a team in another county. Professionals with strong leadership skills, who know how to get the best out of the team, will be in high demand.

Adaptability And Flexibility

As businesses worldwide see a severe rise in number of employees able to work effectively from home, it is possible that this new era of home work ethics is here to stay for a long term. Google and many other firms opted work from strategies way before 2020. The world was changing rapidly but the Corona virus Pandemic has accelerated it. Now, more than before, work from home has become a necessity.

There will be few permanent jobs in future. People need to become more flexible in terms of work timings and adapt to pick on skills and evolve with the ever changing world. It is now about having an open mindset, prioritizing your tasks and changes your work schedules on daily basis to meet unexpected deadlines. Flexibility and adaptability will be crucial skills that employers will eye for.

Data Literacy

With right kind of data, companies are able to predict the sales demands and consumer needs. It helps them to prepare better for future and gives them an edge over their competitors. Data is the fuel for modern economy and companies that are able to use it efficiently perform better as well. Data helps them in understanding business trends, disruptive innovations and shifting trends in consumer habits, and are better able to respond in right way and plan effectively for future.

However, the data is completely useless if the companies don’t have an expert to align and read the patterns and numbers. People with data literacy will be in high demand to prospective employer than ever before. 

Critical Thinking

Another important skill that will be in high demand post Covid is Critical thinking. A research found out that 40% of the employers consider problem-solving and critical thinking as one of the top sought after soft skill. In the era of social medial, fake news, unnecessary data and contrasting numbers is a daily issue. It is important for your company to think critically and judiciously as you evaluate all the information and filter out the garbage.

Good critical thinker ask question that help them to make sound decisions and dig deeper. For example you can ask yourself why this data is clashing. What is the source of the data? Is it reliable? What are the effects if you overlook the data? Such questions will help you critically filter out the unwanted information and use what is needed for your project or the company.

Creativity and Innovation

While machines, automation and digital technologies have taken over analytics and business operations, human being are still unique in coming up with new ideas and thinking outside the box. We have already seen the importance of creativity during the pandemic. Business came up with unique ideas to keep them running. Some of them came up with new products such as sanitizers and face masks to feed into the high demand of safety products, while others figured out ways to deliver products online.

In post corona virus era, every business will look for employees who can come up with innovative ideas to improve the business, add new dimension to it and make it more meaningful in New Normal.

Tech Savvy

Even before the dreaded Corona virus, there was a huge demand for people with some sort of digital skills. No matter what kind of industry you apply for, digital skills are considered to be one of the most important factors. In fact 80% of job vacancies across all the industries now require basic digital skills. The Pandemic has accelerated the needs of special digital skill sets for various industries to help business become more aligned and relevant with latest technologies and platforms.

Although it is highly unlikely that you will know each platform in detail, having detailed knowledge about various digital platforms and their functionality related to your industry will make you stand out. Data literacy, big data, computer programming, artificial intelligence, block chain and many other platforms will make your profile unique and separate you from the rest.

Communication and Emotional Intelligence

Communication and Emotional Intelligence goes hand –in-hand and are closely linked to leadership qualities. To have good emotional intelligence is to show empathy towards others when they feel uneasy or intimidated. To achieve that you need to have good communication skills as well.

As so many of us start to work from home, clarity in emails and Video conferencing is of the utmost importance to speed up the work and maintain the quality. Emotional Intelligence along with Good communication skills helps a good leader to cement trust among its virtual team members and create a healthy working environment. People with High Emotional Intelligence will be desirable by organizations of all scales.

With so much uncertainty, it is hard to predict what the future holds. The least we can do is utilize this time and arm our self with new skills that will help us in the future.

Mastering Covid Digital Signage and other Marketing Skills for a Pandemic