As you may or may not know, I was a locksmith for the better part of a decade, working on campus at Warren Wilson College as a student, learning the trade as I earned my BA in psychology, then being hired to work there and train other students after I graduated for about 4 years. I also ran my own business (Chatham’s Lock & Key) for about two years, and I did a stint at Willis Klein up in Louisville for a summer.

So it was interesting to me that once I started attending information security conferences, I saw how popular lock picking has become among that otherwise computer-based hacking crowd. They have “lock picking villages” where you can learn to pick locks, contests to pit your skills against others, and there are now loads of videos and tutorials online for “locksport” enthusiasts.

I was resistant to get into “locksport” for a while, perhaps because I had “been there, done that,” but also because the phrase “locksport” annoyed me.

However, I lost that battle when I found my old lock pick set from back in the day, and then found myself working a Master lock I had in the garage. Check out my first contribution to the Locksport community in this video.

Stay tuned for more.

Picking a Master Lock M5 Magnum