Dear IE6
In this heartfelt breakup
letter, author Jin outlines all the reasons that web developers
should drop support of the antiquated browser known as Internet Explorer
6. It is funny. And correct.
DVD Catalyst
As an iPod Touch owner, I found the DVD Catalyst tool to be
invaluable for backing up my DVD’s to watch on my iPod.
The Whappers
I updated The Whappers web
site, and there are some nice pics of us from the recent Grey Eagle show
that someone from the Asheville Citizen Times took.
Linux Geek?
NixCraft is the site for
you, with tons of great tutorials, answers, scripts, admin tips, and
more. Any Unix-based OS is relevant there, from X Server to Ubuntu to
RedHat to Solaris, as well as anything that runs on them. Definitely a
keep for the bookmarks.