OK…you have spoken and I have heard. I have included the goat for all of you Internet Explorer users out there. Please let me know if this is more suitable. I have also reworked the layout to be a little more friendly and usable. I will probably do this some more as I look at the site over the next few days.
As a side note, some people commented to me about not wanting to have to use Netscape, as it is a lame browser. I used to agree with this view whole-heartedly. However, Netscape has taken some major leaps in a good direction since it came out with it’s version 6.2. In fact, their browser does a much better job of displaying standard-compliant code than does IE. You really should check it out.
Mozilla is another browser that is very good at displaying things as it should. Thier 1.0 release is awesome, and I have been using it a lot more than IE lately. What’s more, it will imnport all of your IE bookmarks and settings. Yeehaw.