Computer technology has come a long way over the last decades. It wasn’t long ago that having a PC in your home was seen as an extravagance, today we all seem to have handheld devices, and with Apple products on the market, there is a stream of laptops, mobiles, and tablets. Some houses have a laptop for each of the members. It has been the world that grew enormous, really fast.

So, we accept that tech is here, and it is here to stay. Now we need to work out how to get everyone together in the living room and to start socializing, instead of staring at their personal device. We have some of the best games for the whole family, so check them out below.

We’ll start off with the PC as that is where computing all began. One of the hot games was World of Warcraft, and now there is a pretty great version the family can all get involved with World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria.  Ok, so we admit there may be a few of you thinking “seriously, this is the best you’ve got, ’ but this is a great fun game which even the youngest members of your family can enjoy.  It might be worth investing in a couple of computer screens for this. Mike from GamingBuff has published an exclusive guide about the best gaming monitors which could give you some ace ideas for other games too.

Heading over to the coolest family console on earth, the Wii is still going strong, even the early version. You can get together and play sports, dance yourself crazy around the living room, go bowling without even leaving the house. The Wii bought the family together and got us laughing over one computer, and we don’t think Nintendo have ever made such an excellent machine. The graphics are clumsy, but that is part of the charm! Get everyone away from the Apple and onto the wii!

Xbox offers up the Just Dance series, providing you have Kinect you can play this game with your whole family. It gets you moving too so can be fun for older members of the house who could do with a little exercise. There is a host of dance moves from modern day to classics from the Dirty Dancing movie; you may need to consider your talent before you start flinging your arms in the air, though! You will also find other interactive games like this, including Guitar Hero. Noisy but fun!

Of course, Mario Kart is probably one of the most loved games amongst the computer generation. There is something about the lovable plumber that gets us all going; even the annoying music becomes a chirpy ditty once you have got into the game. While it may not be so familiar with older members of the family, anyone under the age of 50 is probably going to enjoy themselves, sometimes for hours!

Make sure you take lots of rests when you are playing computer games. You remember the old saying; you’ll get square eyes!

Tech Savvy Family: Best Computer Games For All Of You