I’ve tried various backup utilities for my Windows desktop over the last couple of years, including File Hamster and Microsoft’s own Synctoy, but I’ve finally found the one.  You know — the one that does everything you want it to easily, nothing more, nothing less, and is free.

That tool goes by the name of Karen’s Replicator.  It will run in the background and synchronize changed files at given intervals.  This makes it easy for me to do lots of work on client web sites, then rest assured that anything I’ve done is backed up to my spare external hard drive every day.

I learned long ago the value of making backups on a separate disk.  Unfortunately, I learned it the hard way, which is why I implore anyone reading this to make backups!  Hard drives do fail!

On a side note, let this be the first time I’ve italicized text so much in one post in all my 8 years of blogging.

Cool Tool