No matter whether you are a freelance website designer or a content writer, you are going to need to market yourself effectively. Freelance marketing certainly differs from company marketing in many different ways – namely, you are marketing yourself. So, how can you set yourself apart from all of the other freelancers you are competing with? Let’s take a look at some great freelance marketing tips…

  1. Clean up your social media profiles – There is only one place to begin with marketing yourself as a freelancer, and this by rebranding your online profiles. Nowadays, the power of social media is huge. It is likely that the companies you are approaching are going to check you out online. They may look at your Facebook profile or they may check out your credentials on LinkedIn. It is, therefore, a good idea to go through your profiles and make sure they do not contain any information that you would not want a potential employer to see. 
  2. Be punctual and follow-up – This is a really important point. Freelancers that get hired again and again are those that answer their emails quickly, deliver work on time, and are generally reliable. You should also make sure you follow-up. It doesn’t hurt to ask a prior client if there are any tasks you can help them with. You may assume that they would get in touch with you if this were the case. But, business owners are very busy, and they may simply not have had the time.
  1. Find your niche – There are many freelancers today offering their services, and so if you want to stand out, you are going to need to find your niche. It can be very tempting to say you are good at everything, but businesses are not looking for a jack-of-all-trades. They are looking for an expert in the field in question. You may worry that this approach will limit your potential clients, but it will actually do the opposite.
  2. Start a website and a blog – If you work from home, it is a good idea to create a website and make sure it has a blog that comes with it. Your website will boost your credentials and give an insight into the services you provide. This is important, but your blog is what can really leverage you and get more people interesting in your skill set. Your blog is the perfect opportunity to show yourself as an expert in your field. Contribute to it regularly, and you will show your knowledge, and this will encourage people to use your services if they like what they see. Check out this Soona review to help with visual content creation. 
  3. Allocate time to marketing yourself every day – It can be difficult to find the time to market when you are busy applying for jobs or doing work for other clients. This is why it is a good idea to allocate a portion of time to marketing each day. This could merely be 20 minutes at the end of every day. It will ensure your efforts are more organized and effective. 
  4. Remember, you are branding yourself – You are the only you, and that is your power! As a freelancer, you are largely branding yourself. Yes, your services and your times need to be marketed effectively, but you are selling yourself too. What makes you the type of person that people should want to work with?

6 Things Freelancers Should Do To Market Themselves In 2022